Monday 17 April 2017

How To Heal Ankle Sprain?

Sprain is defined as the tearing of ligaments that connects one bone with another and help stabilize the joint. In such cases, the ankle joint may become unstable and take a long time to recover if not treated properly. 

A sprain in the ankle can cause swelling, pain and limited motion. Many people tend to simply treat a sprained ankle at home with rest, ice and pain relievers. Whereas some severe sprains cannot be taken care at home and may need medical evaluation.


The ankle joint is a hinge joint formed between bones of the lower leg and the bone of the foot which allows it to bend upwards and downwards with a small amount of rotation. The ligaments provide stability for the movement. Any injury to this ligament results in swelling and pain on outside of the ankle.

The injury can get worse in case of previous or existing ankle injury especially if poorly rehabilitated, lack of strength and stability in the ankle or extreme flexibility, poor balance and also the increasing age of the individual.


One should consult an efficient orthopaedic in case of pain that is severe and uncontrolled, patient is unable to walk at least 4 steps, ankle shows no signs of improvement within five to seven days, foot or ankle looks misshapen, patient experiences a loss of feeling in the foot or toe.

Sprains are categorized and treated depending on the degree of ligament tear.  They are graded as 1, 2 and 3 as per their condition as mild, moderate, and severe respectively. The injury is dealt with great care with the aim to reduce the bleeding and damage within the joint. 

The standard protocol followed for treating a sprained ankle has been the R.I.C.E. method - Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. This protocol typically prevents further damage and allows a gradual healing of a sprained joint. It is found that sprains tend to heal most effectively when the injured joint is exercised as soon as possible. Elevate your injured ankle and rest it on a blanket or pillow while on the couch - this can help promote fluid drainage. While your ankle is elevated, try to spell out the alphabet with your foot. If the injury is severe, you will not be able to do it at all.

Dr. Thadi Mohan, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, provides treatment for sports related injury, trauma management and other orthopedic conditions such as osteoarthritis, ACL injuries, tennis elbow, cuff tear, low back pain and joint replacement with his skilled team and best in class amenities.

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